"He, Master Fard Muhammad, God in Person, will create a new heaven and a new earth, a new Islam and a new government and people. The new earth referred to is a new people who will change the old into such a great future that actually the earth will look like a new earth and a new earth will be made here in what we call America." - Our Savior Has Arrived
Final Call To Islam With Image Of Master Fard Muhammad
Beware Of Phony Claims
The Coming of Allah
"Allah came to us from the Holy City of Mecca, Arabia, in 1930. He used the name of Wallace D. Fard, often signing it W.D. Fard. In the third year (1933) He signed His name 'W. F. Muhammad' which stands for Wallace Fard Muhammad. He came alone." - The Supreme Wisdom Vol. 1
Lectures About The Saviour
Master Fard Muhammad - Not A Silk Peddler
Explanation Of Master Fard Muhammad