Legal Name Change
In the name of Allah, who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom all praise is forever due; We will forever thank Allah, for raising up in our Midst…a divine Leader, Teacher, and Guide; The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
I would first like to thank Allah, for my good brother, David Muhammad; Pbta. It was this brother, who Allah blessed to share with me, the "Declaration of Legal Name Change" document; and for whom I will forever be both thankful and inspired; for embodying some of the core teachings of the Messenger; "To want for his brother, what He wants for himself!" I love you black man! With that said, my hopes and intentions are to reciprocate, this shining example, set by my good brother David. Whereas, Allah has blessed me to put this informational PowerPoint together, in order to show any believer in the Messenger, the process in which I followed, to legally change my slave name (*AT NO COST!* PBTA), while at the same time, accepting my Righteous name of God!
Furthermore, In my attempts' to detail the step by step process, which has worked for me, as well as others. I pray that Allah continues to guide me, to a clear and concise conclusion. I must make note, that each quote, which I have attributed to the Messenger, has been transcribed from the various audio lecture series/speeches, of the Messenger. I have exhausted every effort within my grasp, to verify word by word, syllable by syllable each and every word, that has been quoted! In addition, I have referenced for your review each audio quote, as well as, its location(For you to verify his words); and I challenge each and every believer, as well as myself, to become more astute in our daily studies! In closing, I would like to thank Master Fard Muhammad, for his inspiration and guidance on this subject, and The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, for his perfect example; and I pray that if even one letter is found in disarray, within this presentation, that Allah will forgive me; because he knows, that my heart has been pure in this endeavor. As a final point, I pray for the success of each and every Muslim, and I look forward to seeing and hearing the names of the righteous, both written and recorded, both here in the wilderness of North America, and the world!
With Humble Submission,
Brother Khallid Allah-Servant Of Allah-
In the name of Allah, who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom all praise is forever due; We will forever thank Allah, for raising up in our Midst…a divine Leader, Teacher, and Guide; The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
I would first like to thank Allah, for my good brother, David Muhammad; Pbta. It was this brother, who Allah blessed to share with me, the "Declaration of Legal Name Change" document; and for whom I will forever be both thankful and inspired; for embodying some of the core teachings of the Messenger; "To want for his brother, what He wants for himself!" I love you black man! With that said, my hopes and intentions are to reciprocate, this shining example, set by my good brother David. Whereas, Allah has blessed me to put this informational PowerPoint together, in order to show any believer in the Messenger, the process in which I followed, to legally change my slave name (*AT NO COST!* PBTA), while at the same time, accepting my Righteous name of God!
Furthermore, In my attempts' to detail the step by step process, which has worked for me, as well as others. I pray that Allah continues to guide me, to a clear and concise conclusion. I must make note, that each quote, which I have attributed to the Messenger, has been transcribed from the various audio lecture series/speeches, of the Messenger. I have exhausted every effort within my grasp, to verify word by word, syllable by syllable each and every word, that has been quoted! In addition, I have referenced for your review each audio quote, as well as, its location(For you to verify his words); and I challenge each and every believer, as well as myself, to become more astute in our daily studies! In closing, I would like to thank Master Fard Muhammad, for his inspiration and guidance on this subject, and The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, for his perfect example; and I pray that if even one letter is found in disarray, within this presentation, that Allah will forgive me; because he knows, that my heart has been pure in this endeavor. As a final point, I pray for the success of each and every Muslim, and I look forward to seeing and hearing the names of the righteous, both written and recorded, both here in the wilderness of North America, and the world!
With Humble Submission,
Brother Khallid Allah-Servant Of Allah-